Course syllabus


This page will help you get started with Canvas, the powerful yet simple-to-use cloud platform for teaching and learning. Here are just some of the cool things you can do with Canvas:

Getting Started with Canvas

If you have access to a Canvas staging environment as part of your LMS evaluation, you can typically create a new Canvas course off the Canvas dashboard as soon as you login:

526 - Courses - Creation and Management (CC) from Instructure on Vimeo.


When you're ready to try Canvas out, here are some short videos to help you get started:

Canvas Interface Overview

Upload and Share Files

(This video, Canvas Interface Overview, was embedded from Vimeo.) (This video, Files - Adding Course Content, was embedded from Vimeo.)


Digging Deeper into Canvas

If you're ready to really dig in to Canvas, these short videos to help you along:

Canvas Customization & Layout

Editing Content with the Rich Editor

(This video, Canvas Customization and Layout, was embedded from Vimeo.) (This video, Editing with the Canvas Rich Content Editor, was embedded from Vimeo.)

Organizing with Modules

Canvas Assignment Creation

(This video, Canvas Modules - Creation and Management, was embedded from Vimeo.) (This video, Canvas Assignment Creation, was embedded from Vimeo.)

Getting Help

You can always search for help on specific topics at, or simply chat live with Canvas Support 24/7/365. Here's a video to get you started with our online guides and tutorials.

712 - Canvas Guides (CC) from Instructure on Vimeo.

Explore Canvas; Have Fun!


Course summary:

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